Journeying through Marriage, Disability and Faith

Joan has a truly authentic faith that is not afraid to look honestly at some of the murkier parts of life. She approaches life’s difficulties with humor, wit, and unshakeable trust in God. Her writing is a true reflection of who she is.

Hannah H

Date Night

Date Night

Date Night . . .  we often hear about how important it is to maintain purposeful dates with our spouse, but many of us (at least from the feedback I’ve received) are stuck on how to keep dates with our spouse fresh and fun.  Or even how to fit them in to the schedule...

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Not Forgotten

Not Forgotten

I know it's later in the day for Marriage Monday to make an appearance.  I apologize for that. I spent so much time celebrating my hubby this weekend for his birthday that I missed getting a post up.  I am asking for your grace this week! Next week we'll be talking...

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What Attracted You?

What Attracted You?

I like to ask couples what was it about the other that initially drew them to one another.  For me, the first thing I noticed about Jerry was his wardrobe - all polyester, seriously! Now to his credit he was a single guy living alone and caring for his own needs. He...

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Speaking Samples

Speaking Samples

I am grateful to the new friend who brought to my attention the broken links to samples of my speaking.  If you would be interested in having me speak to your group and want to hear a sample, I am happy to report they are now fixed.  Simply scroll down this page (or...

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It’s the Little Things

We haven't made it to the Jersey shore yet this year.  Lord willing that will change next week when we spend a day there as Jerry's preferred way to celebrate his birthday.  We enjoy playing arcade games together (if you ever see Jerry missing a couple teeth it's...

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Blessings of Disability in Marriage Part 2

Blessings of Disability in Marriage Part 2

I am glad so many of you enjoyed the Top Ten List last week.  Disability in the family is not all about sadness, challenges, ir missing out.  There is much joy and blessing in our families, as there can be in any family.  Let's take a look at some additional blessings...

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The Blessing of Disability in Marriage – Part 1

The Blessing of Disability in Marriage – Part 1

There is a lot of sadness and heaviness in our community and country this week.  I thought I would divide the post about the blessings of disability in marriage into two posts.  It may be good to take a little lighter look at those blessings this week. What follows is...

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The Impact of Disability on Marriage

The Impact of Disability on Marriage

Last week I left us with a challenge - "Let’s each take a moment today and ask ourselves what is one thing I can do this week to reinforce the foundation of my marriage and show my spouse that they are my number one priority and focus (after our relationship tie God...

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What Are You Building On?

What Are You Building On?

“The most foundational thing to see from the Bible about marriage is that it is God’s doing. And the most ultimate thing to see from the Bible about marriage is that it is for God’s glory."  Pastor John Piper I am thankful that marriage was and is God's idea. If the...

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