Journeying through Marriage, Disability and Faith

Joan has a truly authentic faith that is not afraid to look honestly at some of the murkier parts of life. She approaches life’s difficulties with humor, wit, and unshakeable trust in God. Her writing is a true reflection of who she is.

Hannah H

Please Join A Book Launch Party

Please Join A Book Launch Party

Authors often compare the publishing process as a birth of their book baby. Though I’ve never birthed a child, I can resonate with the pangs of delivering a book. Babies and new moms get baby showers. Book babies and their author get a Book Launch Party (but you don’t...

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Vulnerability Revealed

Vulnerability Revealed

Vulnerability. Much easier to talk about and expect from others than to live that way ourselves. After all, one definition is to be exposed and open to attack. Rarely do we want to put ourselves in that position. Yet we long for authenticity. I came face to face with...

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A Big Toe and the Grace of God

A Big Toe and the Grace of God

Caregiving friends, do you ever get smug? You know, self-satisfied, puffed up, or feeling an air of superiority in your caregiving role? The time that comes most readily to mind for me is when a news story came out several years ago. It was the sad news that...

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Announcing the Arrival of MarriageAbility!

Announcing the Arrival of MarriageAbility!

Wow, it feels like a LONG time since I’ve sat down to write. And even longer since I communicated to you, my blog followers. I know the experts say that when restarting one’s blog after a period of quiet; it is not advisable to apologize or explain. I hope you don’t...

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Psalm 46 in Six Words

Psalm 46 in Six Words

I am reading the Bible chronologically this year. Today, Psalm 46 was part of my reading. It’s a well-loved and familiar chapter, particularly for verse 10, “Be still and know that I am God.” While I still need to grasp that concept fully, there were 3 other two-word...

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I Did Not, and Neither Did You

I Did Not, and Neither Did You

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities, you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and...

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I Am The IRS

I Am The IRS

The telltale envelope was easy to spot as I sorted through the mail. It contained a letter from the IRS. There was no check; it wasn’t thick enough. Just a one-page form letter in black and white with a QR code in the upper right corner. It started out exciting: the...

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