Journeying through Marriage, Disability and Faith

Joan has a truly authentic faith that is not afraid to look honestly at some of the murkier parts of life. She approaches life’s difficulties with humor, wit, and unshakeable trust in God. Her writing is a true reflection of who she is.

Hannah H

Enhanced Benefit?

In my part time work in a financial planer's office I sometimes hear phone conversations between  one of our customer service reps and fund companies.  One of the questions that still catches my attention is when our rep asks the vendor if the particular product they...

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It Is About Me?

Once upon a time (this is a true story, but one I have waited to tell until much time elapsed to protect the privacy of those involved) I was in conversation with someone who I felt was giving me a bit of an attitude that I was sure I did not deserve.  I made a choice...

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Postcards from the Journey

Six months ago Jerry and I felt a little like Abraham as we left a familiar comfortable land and began a journey toward a land we knew not of.  We did not know where we were headed, but we knew Who had called us out and promised to lead us.  Having been a follower of...

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And Tonight’s Guest Is . . .

Less than 3 weeks ago we took hospitality and hosting to a new level when we started to share our guest room on Airbnb.  Our listing went live late on a Wednesday evening.  Living in a small borough we thought it would be weeks before we’d get a hit.  We were wrong. ...

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Prayer – At What Cost?

Today I learned of a Christian ministry that expects each employee to spend 10% of their time in prayer.  In fact, they offer three corporate prayer times throughout the week because they put such a high value on prayer. I was intrigued by this, particularly because...

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On a Cough and a Prayer

It’s been a rough winter in our household; but hard times keep me on the look out for God at work. This week Jerry and I have been battling some infections.  The worst time is at night when a relentless hacking cough causes every muscle in my upper body to join in a...

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Thank You Brother

The sermon being preached from the stage was full of truth.  Yet in the back row of the auditorium a very different sermon was reaching deep into my heart. I find it difficult to go to church alone, and this was one of those days when I had to do just that.  Strike 1...

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Crowding Out Jesus

I see it so much clearer now.  I have heard countless messages and read scores of devotionals about keeping Jesus first in our lives.  It wasn't until i sat down to my Breakfast with Jesus that I saw how subtlety I displace Him. The morning started as each day does....

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Capacity, Stress and a Paper Shredder

Walking into the office I noticed the paper shredder was far past capacity. Taking the lid off to empty the shredding I saw the blades were completely impacted by tightly fused paper in each gap. For the second time this year I gathered my screw driver, pliers, razor...

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