Journeying through Marriage, Disability and Faith

Joan has a truly authentic faith that is not afraid to look honestly at some of the murkier parts of life. She approaches life’s difficulties with humor, wit, and unshakeable trust in God. Her writing is a true reflection of who she is.

Hannah H

I Lost Jesus

I Lost Jesus

We often use puppets and role-play when communicating Biblical truth to students  with intellectual impairments. On this particular Sunday, the students were re-enacting the story with puppets. At the end of the replay, as the students were relinquishing their puppets...

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Once upon a time, though this is a true story, I facilitated an informal support group of wives married to men with disabilities. Most of the ladies were older than me, most had little exposure to disability prior to their husband's accident or illness. None of them...

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The Glass and Moving

The Glass and Moving

Someday I will tally the actual amount of time that Jerry and I have lived alone since we were married, but for now I estimate it is about three years out of 23.  We have had family, friends, and people in need live with us. Those experiences taught us a lot about...

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In His Words

In His Words

I am glad you stopped by Marriage Monday.  You are in for a treat - my first guest blogger.  And he is none other than my own husband, Jerry.  You've heard plenty about him from me, now hear from him directly.  I am sure you'll understand more why I love him so....

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The Clash of Our Love Languages

The Clash of Our Love Languages

We had had a couple of long months. Preparation for one of our largest ministry events of the year took much of my emotional strength. Jerry was representing the ministry at a significant conference in Washington DC that same weekend. At home, my mother was in her...

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“Let Me Help You,” he said

“Let Me Help You,” he said

Jerry and I are alike in so many ways, but love languages is not one of them. His is words of affirmation. I, according to my husband, am multi-lingual. Depending on the day, mood and circumstances I may need some time spent together, a hug, or to have him join me on...

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Does Easter Matter on Monday?

Does Easter Matter on Monday?

Holy Week was last week. Easter was yesterday. Today life returns to normal. Or does it? If the reality of Easter means anything it means change. The One who conquered death rose to new life. By doing so he changed the course of history, and each of our lives. Maybe...

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A Foot in Two Worlds

Holy Week.  Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday.  This is the pinnacle of my faith.  Jesus whose birth I celebrate at Christmas as Emmauel, God with us, took the ultimate step of being with me.  He didn’t offer his life on the cross because it was easy.  He...

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Sometimes I Feel Invisble

Sometimes I Feel Invisble

Recently I came across some papers from our pre-marital counseling.  On the bottom of the page I had practiced writing my soon to be new name, Joan Borton, several different ways.  Most young girls engage in this practice with a first crush, a serious boyfriend, and...

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