Jerry and I are alike in so many ways, but love languages is not one of them. His is words of affirmation. I, according to my husband, am multi-lingual. Depending on the valentine-614515_1920day, mood and circumstances I may need some time spent together, a hug, or to have him join me on an errand or two. That makes it difficult for him to know which language to try first at any given time. We recalled one of those times recently and found ourselves chuckling.

I had a rough day and knew I was in a foul mood. I was learning to deal with this before the fallout affected others around me. I told Jerry that I just had a lousy day, and I was going to take a hot bubble bath and try to regain my focus. Even as I said that I was fighting back tears, knowing I had no coping skills left.

I gathered my things and made my way across the house. Jerry stopped me to say he wanted to help me. He shared what he thought would make me laugh. It didn’t. I tried to lightly smirk to acknowledge I heard him. That was not the response he was going for. So he tried again . . . and again . . . and again.

bath-water-915589_1920Finally I looked at him with eyes brimming with tears and said, “please, can I just go take a bath? I am trying to be proactive dealing with my craziness.”

That’s when he realized his love language of words, especially comedic words, was not working. He started laughing his “I can’t believe I just did that” laugh and I gratefully headed to the hot bubbly water.

An hour later I came out refreshed, relaxed, and ready to appreciate the way my husband was loving me.

One would hope we learned from that experience. We did. But we still make mistakes. Come back next week as we share a clash of our love languages that created a whole new way to do life at our home.

Please tell me we are not alone . . . do you have a love language story to tell?  I’d love to hear it.
