Six Weeks

Six Weeks

Today marks six weeks since my surgery to remove my cancer. As is expected, I had ups and downs throughout the healing process. One of the highs has been how well our  family, friends, and neighbors cared for us. The leftovers from meals brought, along with the...
My Times Are In His Hands

My Times Are In His Hands

Every day I’ve written this post, or at least a portion of it in my head. They always came with a witty title. But getting those thoughts from my head to my fingers to type was much harder. Let’s see how it goes today. Thank you for all your prayers, notes of...
‘Twas the Week Before Surgery

‘Twas the Week Before Surgery

‘Twas the week before surgery and all through the house Plenty was stirring, with only a little grouse. Lists were created, and entered in Excel Of our wonderful friends, who will care for us well. They’re coming from Pennsylvania, Georgia, and the west Plus plenty of...
And Then There Was One

And Then There Was One

The two weeks of waiting between Jerry’s biopsies and learning the results were difficult. We had plenty to keep us busy, including appointments almost every other day, to give everyone who requested, insight into my bodily systems in preparation for surgery 12/30....
Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait

Thank you for all the care expressed since my recent post. Your kind words are an encouragement to me and Jerry. Today we had my first visit with an oncologist. We’d heard many positive comments about him from friends. They were right! We liked him and feel confident...