by JemB | Feb 16, 2018 | Bible, Disability, Family, God's love, Instructions for Life, Peace, Ponderings, Travel
Tech geeks, I am sorry. If you clicked here looking for technical insights into the cloud where our lives and data circle overhead, you are at the wrong place. I am writing about “THE Cloud,” as identified in the Biblical book of Numbers. I am a planner. I like to...
by JemB | Feb 12, 2018 | Disability, Family, Marriage, Marriage Monday
My post last week on “To Help or Not to Help” generated some great conversation on Facebook and WordPress. Thank you. Some of you noted that it is helpful to either ask, or wait to be asked if the other needs our assistance. I could not agree more. When Jerry asks for...
by JemB | Feb 8, 2018 | Family, Instructions for Life, Ponderings, Travel
Almost daily Jerry and I have conversations about our upcoming move to Florida. Last week one of those talks was followed with a devotion about Heaven. Jerry made the comment that it would be ok with him if God moved us on to Heaven before we got to Florida. Smiling...
by JemB | Feb 5, 2018 | Disability, Family, Marriage, Marriage Monday, Ponderings
That is the question . . .at least it is one that arises often in our home. For those of us who live in a family where one spouse has a disability it can be a fine line to discern. When Jerry drops something and it is out of his reach do I automatically stop what I am...
by JemB | Jan 15, 2018 | Family, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Marriage Monday
Last week a Facebook friend shared a link from the website Holy Ruckus. It is a letter written by a guest who witnessed a young couple’s wedding ceremony The letter is written in a different style than I write. It comes from a faith perspective that is...
by JemB | Nov 1, 2017 | Family, God's love, Hope, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Ministry, Peace, Ponderings, Vulnerability
Today has been a mostly ordinary day. I helped Jerry get up. I went to my part time job at the financial planners, and was able to confidently carry out my tasks with the knowledge I have gained there this year. When my shift ended I attended a team meeting with my...