‘Twas the week before surgery and all through the house
Plenty was stirring, with only a little grouse.
Lists were created, and entered in Excel
Of our wonderful friends, who will care for us well.
They’re coming from Pennsylvania, Georgia, and the west
Plus plenty of Lakelanders; wow we are blest!
And then there’s friends signing up to bring meals,
And help with errands and laundry while I heal.
Thank you once again, friends for your warm encouragement and care for me this past week. You are right, I needed to feel and I did. I also realized I just needed to be done with doctors appointments! For someone who has perhaps gone to the doctor twice in the last year, to suddenly go every day or every other day it was a bit much.
The good news from all those appointments was no metastatic spread of the cancer. Was seen. We thank God for this.
Jerry and I are also humbled beyond words (yet, I’ll try) by the way you, our friends and family have been reaching out to us. One night this past week we were face timing with one of our friends who lives in British Columbia. We mentioned to them that there were people from 5 states offering to help us. They piped up and said, “Don’t forget one Province too!”
Seriously? Had they looked at the map? They live about as far away from us as is possible and both still be in North America. But then, they made the trek when we moved here too. That’s just the kind of friends they are. And it will be warmer and dryer here than in Canada.
Friends from across the country are sharing meals, and gift cards. Ladies from church are willingly coming over to do our laundry – now that’s friendship! Neighbors have committed to rolling our trash and recycling bins to the curb and back each week.
I’m ready for this week to move along and get this surgery done. But I’ll try not to rush life along, even in this case. But instead marvel and rejoice at the many ways Immanuel is showing His presence with us through you!
Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash
Ready for the unexpected need and/or eager to supply a treat. Praying best possible outcomes each day!