by joanborton | Feb 4, 2025 | Caregiving, Disability, Family, Friendship
Today marks six weeks since my surgery to remove my cancer. As is expected, I had ups and downs throughout the healing process. One of the highs has been how well our family, friends, and neighbors cared for us. The leftovers from meals brought, along with the...
by joanborton | Aug 23, 2024 | Disability, Friendship, God's love, Lessons Learned, Travel
Anxious is an apt term for how I felt recently. Jerry and I received an invitation to an event in a part of the country we used to visit frequently. The occasion is pleasant and will take place later this year. Right away, we both said, “Yes, let’s try to get there.”...
by joanborton | Sep 12, 2023 | Disability, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Vulnerability
Vulnerability. Much easier to talk about and expect from others than to live that way ourselves. After all, one definition is to be exposed and open to attack. Rarely do we want to put ourselves in that position. Yet we long for authenticity. I came face to face with...
by joanborton | Sep 1, 2023 | Caregiving, Disability, Family, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned
Caregiving friends, do you ever get smug? You know, self-satisfied, puffed up, or feeling an air of superiority in your caregiving role? The time that comes most readily to mind for me is when a news story came out several years ago. It was the sad news that...
by joanborton | Aug 26, 2023 | Disability, Family, Marriage
Wow, it feels like a LONG time since I’ve sat down to write. And even longer since I communicated to you, my blog followers. I know the experts say that when restarting one’s blog after a period of quiet; it is not advisable to apologize or explain. I hope you don’t...
by JemB | Jan 18, 2021 | Caregiving, Disability, Family, Self Care
Arranging a long weekend away for me every few months is one of the many ways Jerry expresses his care for me. A group of guys from church volunteer to help with his evening and morning routines. I am free to travel, hole up and sleep, write, or any other...