by JemB | Jan 13, 2020 | Disability, Family, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Marriage Monday
Accessible vehicles are such a blessing most of the time – until they are not! Then they become a huge stationary driveway ornament. That’s what happened at our house this week. When we bought this van and had it modified for Jerry’s needs, the emergency brake...
by JemB | Jan 6, 2020 | Family, God's love, Instructions for Life, Marriage, Marriage Monday, Ponderings
“Their marriage was a blanket of grace that had been so many years in the making.” Home for Christmas by Melanie Wilber. I love that imagery. There’s something so cozy about curling up under a heavy blanket that provides warmth for the body and the soul. I read the...
by JemB | Dec 9, 2019 | Family, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Marriage Monday
In our newlywed years we lived across the street from a grocery store. One night while preparing dinner I realized I did not have lettuce for salad. I asked Jerry if he would mind going to the store to get some. He was amenable to the task. Wanting to make life as...
by JemB | Dec 2, 2019 | Family, Marriage, Marriage Monday, Ponderings
Have you ever had someone describe the behavior of a family member and you thought, Who are they talking about? That’s not the person I see at home? This seeming dichotomy makes sense to me. Most of us were taught to be our best when we are in public. Home needs to be...
by JemB | Oct 28, 2019 | Family, Friendship, Marriage, Marriage Monday, Ponderings
Sometimes a few well phrased words can speak more than paragraphs of prose. I hope you enjoy some of my favorite marriage quotes. A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave...
by JemB | Oct 21, 2019 | Disability, Family, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Marriage Monday, Vulnerability
Last week we had the opportunity to put to the test one of the reasons we made the move to Florida a year ago. Most people, as they age, need some type of help or support. Those of us who live with disability in our families often need the help much earlier, and for a...