by JemB | Oct 30, 2017 | Family, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Marriage Monday, Ponderings
It was late summer/early fall when Jerry moved from Indiana to California to marry me in mid-November. This time of year brings to mind the last minute preparations we made for our wedding, and the adjustments we encountered now living in the same area and learning to...
by JemB | Oct 16, 2017 | Family, Fun, Marriage Monday
Happy Marriage Monday friends. Now that we’ve been gathering together here for a couple months, I’d like to get your input. I’ve put together a brief survey. If you could take a couple minutes to complete it I would be so grateful and honored....
by JemB | Oct 9, 2017 | Family, Marriage, Marriage Monday
Date Night . . . we often hear about how important it is to maintain purposeful dates with our spouse, but many of us (at least from the feedback I’ve received) are stuck on how to keep dates with our spouse fresh and fun. Or even how to fit them in to the schedule...
by JemB | Sep 25, 2017 | Disability, Family, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Marriage Monday
I like to ask couples what was it about the other that initially drew them to one another. For me, the first thing I noticed about Jerry was his wardrobe – all polyester, seriously! Now to his credit he was a single guy living alone and caring for his own...
by JemB | Sep 18, 2017 | Disability, Family, Marriage, Marriage Monday
I am glad so many of you enjoyed the Top Ten List last week. Disability in the family is not all about sadness, challenges, ir missing out. There is much joy and blessing in our families, as there can be in any family. Let’s take a look at some additional...
by JemB | Sep 11, 2017 | Disability, Family, Fun, Marriage, Marriage Monday
There is a lot of sadness and heaviness in our community and country this week. I thought I would divide the post about the blessings of disability in marriage into two posts. It may be good to take a little lighter look at those blessings this week. What follows is...