Last weekend a friend and I were sharing our hearts with one another.  I talked about some areas for which I was asking God’s direction, but have not sensed His clear leading yet.  Waiting (which has never been my strong suit) had morphed into some feelings of restlessness.

We ended our time together praying for one another.  My friend prayed that even if it was not the right time for God to reveal the full answer to my prayers, would He show me some glimpses of His plan this week?  This week I have been amazed at how many times I have seen “a glimpse,”  or what is sometimes called a “God sighting.”

Is God more active in my life this week in answer to my friends prayer?  I don’t think God is the one who changed.

By sharing my struggle with my friend and praying together , I am the one who changed.  I have a renewed awareness of God’s Hand at work in my life, and confidence that He has not forgotten me.   And I have the gumption to wait for the full reveal in His good time.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12 NLT

Hope Rocks