It’s been nearly a year now since we reconnected with B, the daughter of our heart.  If you don’t recall the story you can read part of it here.  When we met face to face last November we also got to meet B’s roommate A who quickly endeared herself to us as the second daughter of our heart.  When I initially wrote about reconnecting Jerry and I didn’t know where things would go.  Now that it’s been a year I am a little more willing to write about this amazing and somewhat sacred journey.

We spent the afternoon with “our girls” again this past weekend.  Every time we get together, or talk, or Facebook we are blessed, humbled and so very grateful.  Each hug and every “I love you” resonate of God’s goodness.

Today we pulled out the scrap book of Jerry’s and my dating/engagement and then looked at our wedding album as well.  What a hoot that was to see things through their eyes, and for them to learn more of our “back story.”

Feet of an athlete running on a deserted road - Training for fitAs I think back over the last year there are a number of snapshots like today that fill my mind.  One of my favorites was the time B was reflecting over some of her experiences growing up.  She said, “I never got why you or other foster parents came after me when I ran away.  Didn’t you know I would come back? I had no place else to go.”

My reply to her was three fold:  1)  We didn’t know you would come back.  2)  The system frowns on foster or respite providers who say, “the child ran away and I have no idea where they are;” they expect us to look!  3)  Most importantly, we ran (or walked quickly huffing and puffing!) after you because we loved you, wanted you safe, and wanted you to see how valuable you are.  God has run after us so may times when we tried to run from Him.  He wants you to know that He loves you so much that He would run after you and give His life for you (and me and each of us).

Oh how I have needed this reminder so many times in my life.  So very grateful that God does not let me go it alone when I try to run.  And just as grateful that He doesn’t let go in the good times as well.

Oh no, You never let go. (Click to hear Matt Redman’s song)