by JemB | Dec 31, 2016 | Family, God's love, Hope, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Ministry, Ponderings
Neither Jerry or I are big celebrators of New Years or ones to make resolutions. This New Year’s Eve has been spent like many others – quietly at home playing or watching games, puzzling, reading and writing. I went on a hunt for a new journal to use for...
by JemB | Dec 7, 2016 | Family, Hope, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Ministry, Peace, Ponderings, Prayer
For several months Jerry and I have been feeling a bit restless and asking God what this might be about. We asked Him to let us know if there was something that we needed to change in our lives, or if there is something He has been trying to tell us that we were...
by JemB | Nov 14, 2016 | Bible, Family, God's love, Instructions for Life, Ponderings
One of my favorite authors, Liz Curtis Higgs often shares the “Ta-da!” concept (not to be confused with Tada as in Joni and Ken). Here’s a brief explanation of this concept from her website: If you’ve heard me speak, you’ve probably learned how and...
by JemB | Oct 23, 2016 | Family, Friendship, God's love, Marriage, Ponderings
This past week I celebrated another birthday. As is typical these days with social media I received scores of greetings via Facebook, texts, instant messages, email and even a few paper cards (which seem to hold more and more value!). Some of the most interesting...
by JemB | Jul 28, 2016 | Family, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Peace, Ponderings
Today is packing day for our next week of Family Retreat. Since Jerry comes up a couple days after me I leave all of his “stuff” in a corner of our den and his attendant picks it up on the way to camp. I try to keep his pile as concise as possible. I...
by JemB | Jun 17, 2016 | Family, Friendship, Marriage, Ministry, Ponderings
The saying “It takes a village . . .” can be true of much of life. Today as I was driving to Spruce Lake where we will host our first two weeks of Family Retreat for families affected by disability I was so thankful for those in “our village” who make this, and so...