by JemB | Sep 4, 2017 | Disability, Family, Marriage, Marriage Monday
Last week I left us with a challenge – “Let’s each take a moment today and ask ourselves what is one thing I can do this week to reinforce the foundation of my marriage and show my spouse that they are my number one priority and focus (after our...
by JemB | Aug 21, 2017 | Disability, Family, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Marriage Monday, Ponderings
Thank you for all the Marriage Monday. encouragement. I am excited you came back. I am grateful for the feedback you offered. We will get to the suggestions made so far as the weeks move along. Please keep those suggestions, comments, questions and wedding...
by JemB | Jun 22, 2017 | Family, Fun
In honor of today (where he lives, tomorrow where I live) being my one and only nephew’s birthday, I share this memory. The year Nathan was 10 he received a brand new bike as a Christmas gift. He was in North Carolina, but because of his Dad’s influence...
by JemB | Mar 19, 2017 | Bible, Disability, Family, Friendship, God's love, Peace, Ponderings
The sermon being preached from the stage was full of truth. Yet in the back row of the auditorium a very different sermon was reaching deep into my heart. I find it difficult to go to church alone, and this was one of those days when I had to do just that. Strike 1...
by JemB | Feb 20, 2017 | Family, Friendship, Fun, Ponderings, Travel
That title sums up my experiences of the last several weeks. It went a little like this: I took some time off the grid. It was my vacation before my vacation! I have a feeling that this will become a part of my regular routine. Refreshing is the best way I can...
by JemB | Jan 22, 2017 | Bible, Disability, Family, Friendship, Instructions for Life, Lessons Learned, Ministry, Ponderings
In 1984 then President Reagan wrote an order proclaiming the 22nd of January (or the nearest Sunday to that date) to be Sanctity of Life Sunday. The particular date was chosen as it corresponds to the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision. Typically in Christian...