I Can’t Imagine

I Can’t Imagine

One of my friends met Jesus face to face yesterday. This friend lived a hard life. At first, I found it ironic that she spent her last several days in a hospice home that likely was the nicest place she ever lived. But then I thought that this peaceful place was...

A Foot in Two Worlds

Holy Week.  Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday.  This is the pinnacle of my faith.  Jesus whose birth I celebrate at Christmas as Emmauel, God with us, took the ultimate step of being with me.  He didn’t offer his life on the cross because it was easy.  He...
Does Easter Matter on Monday?

The Future in My Past

Village Inn. A restaurant my friends and I frequented in college and in our young adult years. We counted on endless coffee and appetizers or desserts that when shared worked within our limited budgets. It’s been about 30 years since I was in one of their restaurants....

Learning the Craft

When my life took an unexpected turn late 2016 I realized it was one of those “now or never” times to invest in my passion to write.  I wanted to write more, and learn to write better. One year ago I flew into Orlando and my cousin drove me to Lake Yale...