To Be Known by Name

November is National Caregivers Month.  Peter Rosenberger, a ministry colleague at Caregivers With Hope created a video to honor caregivers.   We showed this video at our recent Caregivers Day of Pampering to 120 women who provide care for a family member affected by...

Love Our Village

The saying “It takes a village . . .” can be true of much of life.  Today as I was driving to Spruce Lake where we will host our first two weeks of Family Retreat for families affected by disability I was so thankful for those in “our village” who make this, and so...

And at the end of the day . . .

If you have been reading my blog for any time you probably know that I am married to this guy Jerry, with whom I also happen to work.  Often people say to us, “I don’t know how you do it, I could never work with my spouse.” To be honest sometimes we...