This morning I found myself asking God why He would still tolerate me after so many times of falling into the same sin and breaking our communion. He reminded me of the time this last year when someone whom I love shared some information with me that they thought would cause a break in our relationship. When it didn’t they were very surprised.

I love how God weaves my story with the story of others as a reminder that His ways are so much higher and better than my ways. My love for this person allowed me to respond in love to them. In a similar (yet so much more perfect) way God loves me so much that He will not let me go. Yes, I break His heart when I choose to go my own way instead of His, yet He made it clear at the cross that He took care of the burden of my sin. Now He welcomes me back when I stray and reminds me that His love, forgiveness and grace to start fresh.Unclutter Heart