by JemB | Jan 2, 2016 | Family, Fun, Ponderings, Uncategorized
A few years ago Jerry took me on an Alaskan cruise. I think he hoped it would satisfy my desire to see Alaska and we could move on. I certainly did enjoy the trip and the amazing beauty we saw. The trip actually whet my appetite to go back inland to see more of this...
by JemB | Dec 14, 2015 | Family, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Ponderings
I speak fairly regularly on the effect disability has on the entire family. Having lived and worked with disability in my home for more than 30 years I genuinely felt I had a pretty good understanding of the reality of disability and ambulation. Then I had foot...
by JemB | Nov 26, 2015 | Family, Friendship, Fun, God's love, Ponderings
Yes today is Thanksgiving, and that heightens my sense of my many blessings. After putting the turkey in the oven I sat down with my coffee and yogurt in our den. Spending time in quiet reflection I thought, today I am thankful that I am not one who gets caught up...
by JemB | Nov 3, 2015 | Family, God's love, Hope
It’s been nearly a year now since we reconnected with B, the daughter of our heart. If you don’t recall the story you can read part of it here. When we met face to face last November we also got to meet B’s roommate A who quickly endeared herself...
by JemB | Nov 1, 2015 | Disability, Family, Friendship, Marriage, Ministry
This is the conclusion of my previous post; to read part 1 click here. At the end of that busy summer of camping ministries (which we both did) he called me at home. He didn’t declare any intentions that night – but still I knew something had changed in our conference...
by JemB | Oct 30, 2015 | Disability, Family, Friendship, Marriage, Ministry, Uncategorized
Three of the questions I am most frequently asked: How did you meet Jerry? Have you ever met Joni? When did you start working for Joni and Friends? Questions 1 and 2 are relatively easy to answer (in the opposite order), and number three takes a little more...