by JemB | Nov 26, 2015 | Family, Friendship, Fun, God's love, Ponderings
Yes today is Thanksgiving, and that heightens my sense of my many blessings. After putting the turkey in the oven I sat down with my coffee and yogurt in our den. Spending time in quiet reflection I thought, today I am thankful that I am not one who gets caught up...
by JemB | Nov 8, 2015 | Friendship, God's love, Lessons Learned, Marriage, Peace
Last week while driving to my first appointment of the day I inadvertently incited road rage in someone. I wanted to change lanes and looked (twice in fact!) to make sure there was no one in the lane, or in my blind spot. Seeing none, I began to change lanes when...
by JemB | Nov 1, 2015 | Disability, Family, Friendship, Marriage, Ministry
This is the conclusion of my previous post; to read part 1 click here. At the end of that busy summer of camping ministries (which we both did) he called me at home. He didn’t declare any intentions that night – but still I knew something had changed in our conference...
by JemB | Oct 30, 2015 | Disability, Family, Friendship, Marriage, Ministry, Uncategorized
Three of the questions I am most frequently asked: How did you meet Jerry? Have you ever met Joni? When did you start working for Joni and Friends? Questions 1 and 2 are relatively easy to answer (in the opposite order), and number three takes a little more...
by JemB | Oct 28, 2015 | Family, Friendship, Lessons Learned, Ministry, Ponderings
October is designated Pastor Appreciation Month. I realize the month is nearly over, but time for a true confession that will hopefully help you see life differently. We (those of us in disability ministry) frequently try to urge “the Church” to understand the impact...